I believe that all of this goes back to the common use of songs and chants on the parts of shamanic-type mystical workers worldwide, including in the most ancient times of Europe. Nearly every healing charm I have come across has some form of incantation attached to it- the healer uses sacred poems, words, or chants to verbalize and manifest through sound the desired outcome. The power of the "word", as it were, was one of the sacred Runes or Mysteries- communication and "word-song" is not just a fact of human life, but a spiritual power that has the power to shape reality.
I have a penchant for taking surviving incantations and charms from historical sources and "re-paganizing" them for my own use, and the use of my friends. The Anglo-Saxon "Aecerbot" or the "Field Remedy" has always been a favorite of mine, and I decided to weave in Proto-Germanic names for the proper powers into my re-paganized version of it, and give an example of how it can be used for more than the purpose of urging the earth to be fruitful.
The original translation of the Aecerbot that I used was from 'Anglo-Saxon Verse Charms, Maxims and Heroic Legends' By Louis.J.Rodrigues. What follows are two "reclaimed" versions, one for the fertility of the land, and the other for the protection of a home and family. A clever person will already know how to use the Blot or sacrifice to the Gods in conjunction with these charms to make them very effective.
For the Fruits of the Earth
'Eastward I stand, for favours I pray,
I pray the great lord Tiwaz, I pray the mighty prince,
I pray the holy protector of heaven,
Earth I pray and sky
and the true holy Fraujon,
and heaven's might and heaven's godly halls,
that by the power of the gods and this charm
I may pronounce, by strong resolve
to raise these crops for our worldly use,
make beautiful these meadows, by the goodness
of our people who give sacrifices and
act in a generous spirit one to the other
in accordance with the will of the Gods.'
'Ertho, Ertho, Ertho, mother of earth,
may the mighty lord Fro Ing grant thee
fields growing and thriving
fruitful and reviving,
bright shafts of millet crops,
and broad barley crops,
and white wheat crops,
and all the crops of the earth.'
'May the eternal shaper Wodanaz,
and his chosen ones, who are in the shining realms above,
see that this land be kept safe from every foe,
and it be secure against every harm,
from troll-sorceries sown throughout the land.
Now I pray the ruler who wrought this world
that no cunning woman so eloquent, nor crafty man so potent,
there be to pervert the words thus pronounced.'
'Hail to thee, earth, mother of men!
Be thou blessed in the Lord's embrace,
filled with food for the salvation of man.'
'Field full of food for the use of men
brightly blooming, be thou blessed
in the holy name of him who shaped the heavens
and this earth on which we live.
May the god who wrought these lands grant us
growing gifts and prove each grain of use.'
For the Protection of Home and Family
'Eastward I stand, for favours I pray,
I pray the great lord Tiwaz, I pray the mighty prince,
I pray the holy protector of heaven,
Earth I pray and sky
and the true holy Fraujon,
and heaven's might and heaven's Godly halls,
that by the power of the gods and this charm
I may pronounce, by strong resolve
To protect this home, this enclosure holy to my family.
Make peace fill this home,
and blessed be the ground on which it stands,
by the goodness of my family who offers sacrifice
and who act in a generous spirit one to the other
in accordance with the will of the Gods.'
'Ertho, Ertho, Ertho, mother of earth,
and the mighty lord Fro Ing grant us
a family growing and thriving,
fruitful and full of health.
Let there be bright abundance for our stores.
Let there be frith in our months and years,
and kinship with the holy Gods and ancestors.
'May the eternal shaper Wodanaz,
and his chosen ones, who are in the shining realms above,
see that this home be kept safe from every foe,
and secure against every harm,
From troll-sorceries sown throughout the land.
Now I pray the ruler who wrought this world
that no cunning woman so eloquent, nor crafty man so potent,
there be to pervert the words thus pronounced.'
'Hail to thee, Earth, mother of Gods and men!
Be thou blessed in the Lord's embrace,
filled with food for the strength of our family and friends.'
'Home full of holy might, family here,
brightly living, be thou blessed
in the holy name of him who shaped the heavens
and this earth on which we live.
May the God who wrought these lands grant us
our share of truth and holy wisdom.'