Seek the fire-keeper;
Woe in that time
To men and beasts
Though seeds hide
And later golden grow
* * *
We have washed ourselves clean in the birch-dales
And now stand in the hallowed place of the Yew;
Before the doors of Sunna's house may Jolnir show Sig-
Holy might from Heaven's Halls,
Holy might and main from All-Giving Earth,
Drighten of Gods and Alfs impart peace.
Grist to our houses, Frith to our joinings,
And Ljosalf-blessings on our farthest farings.
We have washed ourselves clean in the birch-dales
And now stand in the hallowed place of the Yew;
Before the doors of Sunna's house may Jolnir show Sig-
Holy might from Heaven's Halls,
Holy might and main from All-Giving Earth,
Drighten of Gods and Alfs impart peace.
Grist to our houses, Frith to our joinings,
And Ljosalf-blessings on our farthest farings.